Thursday, January 7, 2010

A modern Jekyll and Hyde?

As the dating continues – it mystifies me that men can me so much more indecisive than a woman. Previously it was picking a place for a date, but now it’s escalated. Hypothetically, let’s say I’ve been on three dates with a man – and the third date we are warming up to each other fairly nicely. Conversation still flows well, smiling & laughing still happening (which may be attributed to all the wine) and you sit there and think – ok, this isn’t that bad, it is actually enjoyable can I see myself spending more time with this guy ~ and my answer is ‘probably yes’. He mentions again, that he was hoping he would have been able to pick me up, as a gentleman does by now. I graciously thank him for being so gentleman-like and tell him it was very much appreciated but at this time, I was not comfortable with that as it was the third date and to men that equals sex. Now, surprised by that answer, my date said “seriously? Hmm, that’s good to know” and then came up to me, and whispered into my ear “you’re a girl I could fall in love with” and then hurried off to relieve himself in the bathroom. The rest of the evening was filled with complements galore including him feeling “smitten” and telling me that I am beautiful. Things were going so well, we finished up dinner and went to a bar to chat a bit more even though it was many hours after my bedtime. In the new setting it went the same way, same wonderful complements and more kissing than I am comfortable with in a public place ~ but at least the bar was kinda dead. He told me he would like to start seeing me more often and asked me to his house to make me dinner in just two days. Sounds wonderful right? Like things are really progressing and that this has potential.

That night of our dinner at his place, he cancelled. I didn’t mind, as I was nervous to be in private with a new man (and I had a back up virtual body guard on standby assuring I’d live another day). A few days after that I get a text saying lets get together – but I was not free. Something seemed weird, so I respond, I cant that night, but what about this night…if you are still interested. And he responds, “I kinda am. I don’t think we make a good couple. What do you think?”

WOAH, are you thinking the same thing as me? Where did THAT come from? Just a few days before he couldn’t stop complementing me and touching and kissing me…and now, nothing? Is it solely because he didn’t get laid that night? Sure, I am not sure if he is my future husband, but isn’t that what dating is all about? There are things I am not sure about, and other things that I think to myself – ok, well I am not crazy about this…but that isn’t the worst thing…I don’t think it is a deal breaker.

So, I message him back basically saying, I don’t know what I think yet, but I have had more fun than I thought I would on our last dates, and I was hoping for another so I can evaluate our compatibility in a more casual environment. But our next date will be a little awkward to say the least. Will I call him out on the sudden change of everything? Probably – I have nothing to loose. And if it is all about sex…well then, he isn’t for me. I don’t want a suave guy or a liar…I’ve had enough of those. And I am at no great loss, I am out of his league anyway.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, in my experience, if you aren't totally "feeling it" its not going to last forever. You shouldn't have to re-evauluate a guy. You'll just know. But if you're okay with Mr. Right Now than that's cool too. Its always fun just to spend time with the opposite sex.
    And secondly, if he's just in it for sex, he's OUT. I'd plan to get together, and if it doesn't pan out easily, then its just too much work.
    And P.S. You're NEVER out of someone's league. Money, or looks, or status... they're all tangibles that can be lost. You're personality isn't beneath ANYONE!!! Pisshhaaa for you even thinking that bloglady!!!
